I just wanted to share a few of the ADORABLE family that I shot on Saturday!
Seriously, if you could read Juliana and Mike’s love story all the way through….you would just die laughing. These two seem like such a fun and sweet couple! Here is what Juliana told me about their engagement:
“Our engagement is a story for another day, but just as a teaser, it included: a romantic, isolated, SURPRISE proposal on Huntington Beach pier (which Mike had been planning for 4-5 months), and two trips to Urgent Care and one visit to the Anaheim ER to prevent me from going into anaphylactic shock due to a severe allergic reaction from eating something at our celebratory dinner that night. Despite the bizarre turn of events, we came out swingin’ and know we’ll make it through just about anything together. “
Let’s just say, I should NOT have been eating popcorn while I read through their love story. I almost choked! Check out the cute pictures of this cute couple!
If you would like to vote for Juliana and Mike, click the “like” button on the bottom of this post and “like” their picture on Facebook!

Love these two!
Like!!! These two are so cute!
Love these two!
Best of luck to you both!
Congrationsss…. U NEED TO WIN!
Pick them!!!
Good luck!!!!!!
Good luck!!!
If you’d like to read our whole “love story”, it’s only a few paragraphs longer than what’s posted here and it might bring a smile to your face:
Thanks for the support!
We like!!!!!
I hope you guys win!
We like!!!!
Great pics – good luck!!!
Darling Juliana and Mike! You deserve the best!!
Good luck you two!!
So cute!
Best Wishes! I Like!!!
That’s magnum baby.!!
I Love you Juliana y wish you the best!!!!
Good luck.
I really like this.
If you actually knew how amazing these 2 are. Juliana teaches children. How to dance.
Danielle and Jon met while she was serving a mission in North Carolina. At the “halfway point” of her mission, Danielle had the following experience:
“Toward the end of the 9 months Jon was out fishing early in the morning and he fell asleep on top of a black widow nest. He was bit 8 times and loss conciousness. His friend rushed him to the hospital and he wasn’t doing well. When I heard that he was in the hospital, I was worried sick. At first I couldn’t figure out why I was so worried, then I realized it was because I was in love with him. That was a shock and really hard to take in because I still had 9 months left of my mission.”
Come to find out, Jon and Danielle felt the EXACT same way about each other and after her mission they were able to re-connect and the rest is history!
Danielle and Jon’s love story just melted my heart! It was like something on a movie and they are so cute together! If you would like to vote for Danielle and Jon, click the “like” button on the bottom of this post and “like” their picture on Facebook!

we are excited for this sweet young couple to receive any good gift of recognition. They are a great example of devotion to God, mankind (children) and now to each other too! John teaches the 8-11 year old boys at church and does a wonderful job….and Danielle gave of her time to serve a volunteer full-time mission that had to end early because of health reasons. Both, in my opinion, are quite deserving. mmw
My kids absolutely love both Danielle and Jon and are very excited that they have decided to join their families together. We can’t wait til the blessed day. They are both sweet spirits and deserve the benefits of this contest as they have both given much of their time to compassion and service. Both have diligently served in our church. We are happy for Danielle to be able to start a life with Jon given her recent health. We love both of them and hope to see them have a happy and joyful wedding day.
I have known Jon for the past 15 yrs! I have watched him grow over the years into an outstanding Man! I was Soooo thrilled when I found out that he had found his Eternal Companion in Danielle! They have both had trials that eventually lead them to each other! I know in my heart God had a hand in this soon to be marriage! They are Truely deserving of all the blessings that lay ahead of them…..and will also be blessed in their trials that are to come. We love the two of you!!! Are you deserving???? You Bet!!!
May your journey be delightful and enduring. God bless you both.
Woot to the future.
There love is inspiring and worth sharing with us all.
Best Wishes
God bless you both as you take your first steps together of what will be the amazing and wonderful journey of the rest of your lives together.
All the very best for your future together!!
Good luck
Jessica & Michael met in high school and just had an instant connection. They became best friends and Jessica waited for him while he served an LDS mission. Jessica shared the emotions that she felt when she first saw Michael in the airport when he returned home from his mission:
“I can’t even describe the feelings I felt when I hugged my best friend for the first time. The second I saw him, I knew I would marry him. We’d always talk about having our “happily ever after” before he left, but at this moment, I knew.We picked up right where we left off and it’s honestly been like he never even left.
I don’t know how we made it 2 years with only letters, packages, and emails but if that’s not true love, I don’t know what is. :)”
Here are a few pictures she sent me from the night She and Michael got engaged and another from when they first saw each other at the airport!
If you would like to vote for this ADORABLE couple, click the “like” button on the bottom of this post and “like” their picture on Facebook!

Two of my faves!!
I love them so much!
I am and will always be the luckiest man alive. Thank you Jessica for saying yes.
I love you.
Here is what I’m working on tonight! Yesterday was such a beautiful day for a wedding!